It was my birthday last weekend and it was great, exhausting, relaxing, funny and insane all at the same time. I went and got a facial, that unbeknown to me included a back scrub, and a pedicure and it was absolutely fantastic. I was so relaxed! I just wanted some time out from kids and family and really enjoy some time to myself. I didn’t want a party or anything fancy…just me time πŸ™‚ Then I had to go buy myself a birthday cake and get home again quickly for my little one. Turns out the cake shop is closed on a Saturday?!?!? Ended up going to Coles and bought a pre-made kid’s party rainbow cake which I thought would at least be fun for Sophia, even if it wasn’t my ideal cake. Turns out the cake wasn’t too bad after all so that worked out okay…especially for a few days later with a cuppa πŸ˜‰ Then we decided to go out for dinner just to our local Chinese restaurant which is a short walk from our house. It was lovely weather and so it was perfect for walking. Once there, Sophia decided she enjoyed the acoustics in the restaurant and had a lot of fun screaming/singing at the top of her lungs. At home that would be okay and manageable, but out in a restaurant, not so great. There were other kids there too but as she went up to them to say “hi” and wave right at them, they just stared at her not quite sure what to do!?!?! Sophia is not shy at all and quite confident and I’m not sure some kids know how to deal with that…hopefully that will help her when she’s older πŸ˜‰ But anyway, after a very intense, quickly eaten dinner, I sculled down my drink and we were out of there as quick as we could. As my Mum put it, it was the best worst meal we’ve had…just glad to be out of there. At least we could laugh about it on the way home. Then on our walk back, we bumped into a friend that was driving past and asked what we were up to. She found out it was my birthday and so offered me a free massage the next day! How wonderful! I of course took her up on the offer…how could I refuse. After it got dark, we decided to drive around in the car and look at our local Christmas lights. It was fun and yet stressful at the same time. At least when we got home, Sophia went to sleep relatively well. At the end of it all, I was pretty exhausted and was keen to sleep, I mean getting a massage is pretty tiring πŸ˜‰ How funny our birthdays become as we get older. It was up and down and eventful and great all at the same time. I guess it makes for an interesting day. Attached are a few snaps of my birthday xo Roseann


Baby Amelia
My little sweet pea Amelia


Daddy's girl
Phil & Sophia


My beautiful Mum
Mum, looking fantastic after a horrible year of chemo! Glowing now in remission πŸ™‚


Our little girl
Sophia, mixing our drinks πŸ˜‰


My sweet bunny rabbit
Daddy and his little girl

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1 Comment

  1. First picture: The skeptical look of Amelia is overwhelming
    You have a very beautiful family and I wish your mom all the very best

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