Showing: 16 - 20 of 25 Articles
Inspired hair with flower pin

Hair today

Today’s feel good hair was inspired by Abby at Twist Me Pretty. I bought Abby’s cute e-book called The Ultimate Hairstyle Handbook for just $10 a couple of years ago and lately I’ve found inspiration in its pages. After I got over my morning sickness, or afternoon nausea as it was in my case, I …

Roseann pregnant and ready for her baby

Baby brain

So who else out there has suffered from baby brain when you’re pregnant? I have many times, in this and my last pregnancy. Yesterday I turned the tap on in the laundry tub and then proceeded to go to the doctor’s for a blood test. Some 40 minutes later after I got home again, I …


Ready to make 2016 your most abundant year yet? What we put our attention on grows and that goes for our money too! I just joined @KateNorthrup’s FREE 21-day #MoneyLoveChallenge. Join us!

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