Last year I decided to implement a few changes in my life. At first it was hard and tiring to do them all the time but eventually I got used to them and now they are just second nature. Admittedly, after giving birth to my new little girl last month, I slipped and stopped doing these things all the time but I’m back on track again now quicker than I thought I would and I’m in the flow again. Amazingly I’m coping much better this time around with two little children than I did with just one baby. I believe it was because I was so used to doing these things every day that it was very easy to go back to them. So here they are:
Meditating every morning
Doing a short guided meditation every morning before I get out of bed really makes my day so much easier and more productive. It can take as little as 2 minutes but generally I do a 10 minute session as that suits me best. I can highly recommend for this. They have a great variety of guided meditations which you can access on your home computer or your mobile phone which makes it very handy. I’ve been feeling really relaxed, strong and happy as a result. If prayer is more of your thing, then this is a good time for this…or alternatively before you go to sleep at night. I read once that if you have time for Facebook and playing around on your phone then you have time for meditation and that rang true for me.
Journaling every morning
I like to start my morning off on a positive note. I find that journaling a few lines about great things in my life really helps set a positive and optimistic intention for the day. I used to journal sporadically but when I do it every day it’s so much better. I write something I’m grateful about, something I’m good at and can brag about and I might write about something I want in my life; and I write as though I have it already and I’m thankful for it. You can set powerful intentions every morning if you want to make good things happen in your life.
Making our bed first thing
A simple task and yet you already feel accomplished before you even leave your bedroom…and you come back to a nice space at the end of your day. Hey and look, I can even make the bed with the dog still sleeping on it. It doesn’t need to be perfect but neat and tidy is the main thing.
Nightly showers instead of morning
I used to have showers every morning but after having kids I’ve found it really hard in the morning. I soon realised I had to shower at night if I was going to get anything done and be more organised in the mornings. Sometimes I’m tired at night and don’t feel like having a shower but I’m always happy I have done when I wake up the next morning and can just get dressed…I can get into my day so much quicker than before. It’s also nice to be lovely and clean to hop into bed at night…and it keeps the bed cleaner longer
Flossing/tongue scraping every night
I know this might be an odd one but I used to only floss randomly and tongue scraping or cleaning I’d not really heard of before or at least never did it. Anyway, I now floss and scrap every night usually or otherwise in the morning. I’ve always had a thing about teeth and mouths being clean…it’s one of my quirky things so I’m really fussy about this one ha ha. I just think that keeping a healthy clean mouth will save in the long run generally with my dental health and overall longevity.
So there you have it, my 5 habits implemented from last year. Now I’m onto my new habits for 2016…but that will have to be another post.
What new habits are you working on this year?
Keep up the great work honey.
Thanks honey xo